Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Used To Be Fat, Now I'm All That: YOU decide WHY you want to loose weight, No one else ;)

Hey everyone, it's most certainly been a while since I've posted. I apologize. School finally started so now the stress of that is kicking in. Joy! I hope the semester goes fast.

The past few weeks on my end have been a little frustrating and aggravating. I've been going to the gym 4-5 days a week and dieting, yet the number on the scale will NOT go down! =( After 2 weeks of making myself aggravated I finally decided to get a tape measurer AND, even though I may not have lost any lbs, I did in fact loose inches off my thighs, & waist, so I feel MUCH better now. The whole "drinking water" thing isn't as easy as I thought. I just HATE it, but I am making a promise to myself & everyone else that I will try harder! Anyway, I wanted to talk about something a little different in this post, something that also comes with the aftermath of weight loss that people don't really understand & I am going to address it right now, the best way I can based on my own experiences & my own feelings.

During the weight loss process, you are going to see several different changes in your life. Based on the way you eat, the way you look, the way you act, dress, etc. It is inevitable that you will change & it is very important for everyone to realize that it isn't always nessecarily for the bad,but mostly for the good. People often ask me, why did you loose weight? and most people expect and assume that the answer should be "for myself of course". Well, my answer is a little different. OBVIOUSLY!, any over weight person, male OR female, has to reach a breaking point in his/her life where they are going to say "I need to loose weight" HOWEVER, I believe that we must rely on OTHER things in order to motivate us to actally go forward and loose the actual weight.

For example: When I was 268lbs, going out wasn't as fun. I was always kinda living in the shadow of my friends, not attracting guys, not being able to wear the clothes I wanted to wear, stuff like that. So, like any other 24yr old single girl, I was sick and tired of not getting attention SO, as I went through my weight loss journey I kept all of those things in mind to keep me motivated this way, when the time finally came for me to wear a size Medium, & the time finally came where I got "the guy" I wanted, it felt that more amazing. So, what I am basically trying to say here is, NEVER EVER EVER let anyone lead you to believe that you aren't loosing weight for the right reasons. No one will be able to understand what your transformation process is like unless they go through it themselves. ALSO, keep in mind it is NOT wrong to loose weight in hope that it'll be the result of you fitting in a dress and or suit you never thought was imaginable or landing a great guy who you thought was out of your league. MOTIVATION is all that matters, & it's what matters the most to me. Throughout your weight loss journey people will try & bring you down & make you feel like you can't do it. NEVER let them win.

Quote of the week "Rather than aiming for being perfect, just aim to be little bit better today than you were yesterday"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Set a realistic goal & stick to it!

Hey everyone, Sorry that I haven't posted anything in two weeks but this weather has just been KILLING my social life and destroying any motivation I have to do anything! which I'm sure everyone feels the same way. STUPID SNOW & COLD...Is it summer yet?!

First & foremost I would like to share with you guys that in 3 weeks I lost 8.5lbs! Woo hoo. This also brings me to my next topic. Setting a realistic goal & sticking to it. I weigh 160lbs and by May 12th I'd like to be at least 150-155lbs for a vacation I'm going on. Everyone's body reacts differently to weight loss, some loose very fast, while others may loose very slow, BUT we must always remember to be patient because even if it comes off slow, IT WILL COME OFF! Also while loosing weight, you should always keep in mind that even though the number on the scale is still the same it may be because you are gaining muscle (which men LOVE to see, but women HATE to see) OR, that you are loosing, just not in lbs but in inches. Try to stay off the scale as often as possibe to stay motivated because if your weighing yourself every two days you will just frustrate yourself, TRUST ME, I've been there. Pick ONE specific day to weigh yourself and stick to that day. For example. I weigh myself Saturday mornings.

The reason I say to set a realistic goal & stick with it is because if you set an unrealistic goal & don't accomplish it, you may get discouraged and feel like your a failure & that what your doing isn't working when, in fact thats not it at all, its just not physically possible! For example, if I weight 190lbs as of today, February 1st, and I say by May 12th I want to be 135lbs it's unrealistic. The average amount of lbs that a person looses per week is 1.5lbs-4.5lbs. Just think of how much better you would feel setting a simple goal of 175lbs (which is realistic) and seeing that your weight is even lower then the goal you set! The key to weight loss success is STAYING POSITIVE and DETERMINATION always remember that. Also, make plans, months from now, this way you have something to work towards. For example: a night out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, an anniversary, a high school reunion, etc. It's always fun running into people and hearing "Wow, you look great", I've had my surgery for 2 years and compliments never get old!

Goal for the week:  I'm going to start drinking a lot of water with everything I eat, which shoud be an aweful experience because I HATE water. Let's see how this goes! Have a happy diet week everyone, remember loose it for YOURSELF, no one else ;)

Quote of the week- "If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end"-Julius Erving

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weight-loss Success

Hello everbody,my name is DeAnna DeCillis and I'm new to this blog thing and really had no idea how it worked. However, it wasn't until I made a life change that I decided I wanted to write a blog and share this change with other people. I'm 24 years old and I am one of the thousands of people who have had Weight Loss Surgery and have a GREAT SUCCESS STORY to go with it.It's been quite an experience and I'd love to share my story and take all of you with me as my journey continues and to hopefully be able to inspire others to loose weight.

I want everyone to know that Weight Loss Surgery isn't for everyone, but like a diet it is what you make it.  Most of the overweight populations problem is that they "diet". Dieting is great, if you don't have a lot of weight to loose and you only want to loose 20lbs for a vacation or to fit into a pair of jeans. However, a LIFESTYLE is what you'll need to maintain in order to keep the weight off and upkeep a healthy way of eating for the rest of your life. You must be ready and willing to say goodbye to food, say hello to excercising.

What I want from this blog is a chance for the overweight population to confide in others who have been overweight their whole entire life and still struggle with the battle of weight gain and weight loss. I happen to be one of those people. I also would love for people to share success stories and any helpful hints and words of advice they may have. I also plan on taking you guys step by step through this journey with me such as the following:

  • What to eat, what not to eat
  • Simple, yet satisfying excercises
  • Motivation
  • Mentally preparing yourself
  • The negative and positive outcomes of weight loss
  • How to keep it off
Everything will be advice from me,myself, and I on my thoughts, and actions I've done in order to be successful, things that personally worked for me.Every Tuesday evening I will issue a brand new blog explaining how my diet week went, my progress, my struggles, and my exciting moment of the week, and eventually I hope you share in that as well.

"Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels"