Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weight-loss Success

Hello everbody,my name is DeAnna DeCillis and I'm new to this blog thing and really had no idea how it worked. However, it wasn't until I made a life change that I decided I wanted to write a blog and share this change with other people. I'm 24 years old and I am one of the thousands of people who have had Weight Loss Surgery and have a GREAT SUCCESS STORY to go with it.It's been quite an experience and I'd love to share my story and take all of you with me as my journey continues and to hopefully be able to inspire others to loose weight.

I want everyone to know that Weight Loss Surgery isn't for everyone, but like a diet it is what you make it.  Most of the overweight populations problem is that they "diet". Dieting is great, if you don't have a lot of weight to loose and you only want to loose 20lbs for a vacation or to fit into a pair of jeans. However, a LIFESTYLE is what you'll need to maintain in order to keep the weight off and upkeep a healthy way of eating for the rest of your life. You must be ready and willing to say goodbye to food, say hello to excercising.

What I want from this blog is a chance for the overweight population to confide in others who have been overweight their whole entire life and still struggle with the battle of weight gain and weight loss. I happen to be one of those people. I also would love for people to share success stories and any helpful hints and words of advice they may have. I also plan on taking you guys step by step through this journey with me such as the following:

  • What to eat, what not to eat
  • Simple, yet satisfying excercises
  • Motivation
  • Mentally preparing yourself
  • The negative and positive outcomes of weight loss
  • How to keep it off
Everything will be advice from me,myself, and I on my thoughts, and actions I've done in order to be successful, things that personally worked for me.Every Tuesday evening I will issue a brand new blog explaining how my diet week went, my progress, my struggles, and my exciting moment of the week, and eventually I hope you share in that as well.

"Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels"