Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Set a realistic goal & stick to it!

Hey everyone, Sorry that I haven't posted anything in two weeks but this weather has just been KILLING my social life and destroying any motivation I have to do anything! which I'm sure everyone feels the same way. STUPID SNOW & COLD...Is it summer yet?!

First & foremost I would like to share with you guys that in 3 weeks I lost 8.5lbs! Woo hoo. This also brings me to my next topic. Setting a realistic goal & sticking to it. I weigh 160lbs and by May 12th I'd like to be at least 150-155lbs for a vacation I'm going on. Everyone's body reacts differently to weight loss, some loose very fast, while others may loose very slow, BUT we must always remember to be patient because even if it comes off slow, IT WILL COME OFF! Also while loosing weight, you should always keep in mind that even though the number on the scale is still the same it may be because you are gaining muscle (which men LOVE to see, but women HATE to see) OR, that you are loosing, just not in lbs but in inches. Try to stay off the scale as often as possibe to stay motivated because if your weighing yourself every two days you will just frustrate yourself, TRUST ME, I've been there. Pick ONE specific day to weigh yourself and stick to that day. For example. I weigh myself Saturday mornings.

The reason I say to set a realistic goal & stick with it is because if you set an unrealistic goal & don't accomplish it, you may get discouraged and feel like your a failure & that what your doing isn't working when, in fact thats not it at all, its just not physically possible! For example, if I weight 190lbs as of today, February 1st, and I say by May 12th I want to be 135lbs it's unrealistic. The average amount of lbs that a person looses per week is 1.5lbs-4.5lbs. Just think of how much better you would feel setting a simple goal of 175lbs (which is realistic) and seeing that your weight is even lower then the goal you set! The key to weight loss success is STAYING POSITIVE and DETERMINATION always remember that. Also, make plans, months from now, this way you have something to work towards. For example: a night out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, an anniversary, a high school reunion, etc. It's always fun running into people and hearing "Wow, you look great", I've had my surgery for 2 years and compliments never get old!

Goal for the week:  I'm going to start drinking a lot of water with everything I eat, which shoud be an aweful experience because I HATE water. Let's see how this goes! Have a happy diet week everyone, remember loose it for YOURSELF, no one else ;)

Quote of the week- "If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end"-Julius Erving