Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Used To Be Fat, Now I'm All That: YOU decide WHY you want to loose weight, No one else ;)

Hey everyone, it's most certainly been a while since I've posted. I apologize. School finally started so now the stress of that is kicking in. Joy! I hope the semester goes fast.

The past few weeks on my end have been a little frustrating and aggravating. I've been going to the gym 4-5 days a week and dieting, yet the number on the scale will NOT go down! =( After 2 weeks of making myself aggravated I finally decided to get a tape measurer AND, even though I may not have lost any lbs, I did in fact loose inches off my thighs, & waist, so I feel MUCH better now. The whole "drinking water" thing isn't as easy as I thought. I just HATE it, but I am making a promise to myself & everyone else that I will try harder! Anyway, I wanted to talk about something a little different in this post, something that also comes with the aftermath of weight loss that people don't really understand & I am going to address it right now, the best way I can based on my own experiences & my own feelings.

During the weight loss process, you are going to see several different changes in your life. Based on the way you eat, the way you look, the way you act, dress, etc. It is inevitable that you will change & it is very important for everyone to realize that it isn't always nessecarily for the bad,but mostly for the good. People often ask me, why did you loose weight? and most people expect and assume that the answer should be "for myself of course". Well, my answer is a little different. OBVIOUSLY!, any over weight person, male OR female, has to reach a breaking point in his/her life where they are going to say "I need to loose weight" HOWEVER, I believe that we must rely on OTHER things in order to motivate us to actally go forward and loose the actual weight.

For example: When I was 268lbs, going out wasn't as fun. I was always kinda living in the shadow of my friends, not attracting guys, not being able to wear the clothes I wanted to wear, stuff like that. So, like any other 24yr old single girl, I was sick and tired of not getting attention SO, as I went through my weight loss journey I kept all of those things in mind to keep me motivated this way, when the time finally came for me to wear a size Medium, & the time finally came where I got "the guy" I wanted, it felt that more amazing. So, what I am basically trying to say here is, NEVER EVER EVER let anyone lead you to believe that you aren't loosing weight for the right reasons. No one will be able to understand what your transformation process is like unless they go through it themselves. ALSO, keep in mind it is NOT wrong to loose weight in hope that it'll be the result of you fitting in a dress and or suit you never thought was imaginable or landing a great guy who you thought was out of your league. MOTIVATION is all that matters, & it's what matters the most to me. Throughout your weight loss journey people will try & bring you down & make you feel like you can't do it. NEVER let them win.

Quote of the week "Rather than aiming for being perfect, just aim to be little bit better today than you were yesterday"